Tour of Lean

The best way to learn about Lean is to read and write Lean code. This article will act as a tour through some of the key features of the Lean language and give you some code snippets that you can execute on your machine. To learn about setting up a development environment, check out Setting Up Lean.

There are two primary concepts in Lean: functions and types. This tour will emphasize features of the language which fall into these two concepts.

Functions and Namespaces

The most fundamental pieces of any Lean program are functions organized into namespaces. Functions perform work on inputs to produce outputs, and they are organized under namespaces, which are the primary way you group things in Lean. They are defined using the def command, which give the function a name and define its arguments.

namespace BasicFunctions

-- The `#eval` command evaluates an expression on the fly and prints the result.
#eval 2+2

-- You use 'def' to define a function. This one accepts a natural number
-- and returns a natural number.
-- Parentheses are optional for function arguments, except for when
-- you use an explicit type annotation.
-- Lean can often infer the type of the function's arguments.
def sampleFunction1 x := x*x + 3

-- Apply the function, naming the function return result using 'def'.
-- The variable type is inferred from the function return type.
def result1 := sampleFunction1 4573

-- This line uses an interpolated string to print the result. Expressions inside
-- braces `{}` are converted into strings using the polymorphic method `toString`
#eval println! "The result of squaring the integer 4573 and adding 3 is {result1}"

-- When needed, annotate the type of a parameter name using '(argument : type)'.
def sampleFunction2 (x : Nat) := 2*x*x - x + 3

def result2 := sampleFunction2 (7 + 4)

#eval println! "The result of applying the 2nd sample function to (7 + 4) is {result2}"

-- Conditionals use if/then/else
def sampleFunction3 (x : Int) :=
  if x > 100 then
    2*x*x - x + 3
    2*x*x + x - 37

#eval println! "The result of applying sampleFunction3 to 2 is {sampleFunction3 2}"

end BasicFunctions
-- Lean has first-class functions.
-- `twice` takes two arguments `f` and `a` where
-- `f` is a function from natural numbers to natural numbers, and
-- `a` is a natural number.
def twice (f : Nat → Nat) (a : Nat) :=
  f (f a)

-- `fun` is used to declare anonymous functions
#eval twice (fun x => x + 2) 10

-- You can prove theorems about your functions.
-- The following theorem states that for any natural number `a`,
-- adding 2 twice produces a value equal to `a + 4`.
theorem twiceAdd2 (a : Nat) : twice (fun x => x + 2) a = a + 4 :=
  -- The proof is by reflexivity. Lean "symbolically" reduces both sides of the equality
  -- until they are identical.

-- `(· + 2)` is syntax sugar for `(fun x => x + 2)`. The parentheses + `·` notation
-- is useful for defining simple anonymous functions.
#eval twice (· + 2) 10

-- Enumerated types are a special case of inductive types in Lean,
-- which we will learn about later.
-- The following command creates a new type `Weekday`.
inductive Weekday where
  | sunday    : Weekday
  | monday    : Weekday
  | tuesday   : Weekday
  | wednesday : Weekday
  | thursday  : Weekday
  | friday    : Weekday
  | saturday  : Weekday

-- `Weekday` has 7 constructors/elements.
-- The constructors live in the `Weekday` namespace.
-- Think of `sunday`, `monday`, …, `saturday` as being distinct elements of `Weekday`,
-- with no other distinguishing properties.
-- The command `#check` prints the type of a term in Lean.
#check Weekday.sunday
#check Weekday.monday

-- The `open` command opens a namespace, making all declarations in it accessible without
-- qualification.
open Weekday
#check sunday
#check tuesday

-- You can define functions by pattern matching.
-- The following function converts a `Weekday` into a natural number.
def natOfWeekday (d : Weekday) : Nat :=
  match d with
  | sunday    => 1
  | monday    => 2
  | tuesday   => 3
  | wednesday => 4
  | thursday  => 5
  | friday    => 6
  | saturday  => 7

#eval natOfWeekday tuesday

def isMonday : Weekday → Bool :=
  -- `fun` + `match`  is a common idiom.
  -- The following expression is syntax sugar for
  -- `fun d => match d with | monday => true | _ => false`.
    | monday => true
    | _      => false

#eval isMonday monday
#eval isMonday sunday

-- Lean has support for type classes and polymorphic methods.
-- The `toString` method converts a value into a `String`.
#eval toString 10
#eval toString (10, 20)

-- The method `toString` converts values of any type that implements
-- the class `ToString`.
-- You can implement instances of `ToString` for your own types.
instance : ToString Weekday where
  toString (d : Weekday) : String :=
    match d with
    | sunday    => "Sunday"
    | monday    => "Monday"
    | tuesday   => "Tuesday"
    | wednesday => "Wednesday"
    | thursday  => "Thursday"
    | friday    => "Friday"
    | saturday  => "Saturday"

#eval toString (sunday, 10)

def (d : Weekday) : Weekday :=
  match d with
  | sunday    => monday
  | monday    => tuesday
  | tuesday   => wednesday
  | wednesday => thursday
  | thursday  => friday
  | friday    => saturday
  | saturday  => sunday

#eval Weekday.wednesday
-- Since the `Weekday` namespace has already been opened, you can also write
#eval next wednesday

-- Matching on a parameter like in the previous definition
-- is so common that Lean provides syntax sugar for it. The following
-- function uses it.
def Weekday.previous : Weekday -> Weekday
  | sunday    => saturday
  | monday    => sunday
  | tuesday   => monday
  | wednesday => tuesday
  | thursday  => wednesday
  | friday    => thursday
  | saturday  => friday

#eval next (previous wednesday)

-- We can prove that for any `Weekday` `d`, `next (previous d) = d`
theorem Weekday.nextOfPrevious (d : Weekday) : next (previous d) = d :=
  match d with
  | sunday    => rfl
  | monday    => rfl
  | tuesday   => rfl
  | wednesday => rfl
  | thursday  => rfl
  | friday    => rfl
  | saturday  => rfl

-- You can automate definitions such as `Weekday.nextOfPrevious`
-- using metaprogramming (or "tactics").
theorem Weekday.nextOfPrevious' (d : Weekday) : next (previous d) = d := by
  cases d       -- A proof by case distinction
  all_goals rfl  -- Each case is solved using `rfl`