A Certified Type Checker
In this example, we build a certified type checker for a simple expression language.
Remark: this example is based on an example in the book Certified Programming with Dependent Types by Adam Chlipala.
inductive Expr: Type
Expr where
| nat: Nat → Expr
nat : Nat: Type
Nat → Expr: Type
| plus: Expr → Expr → Expr
plus : Expr: Type
Expr → Expr: Type
Expr → Expr: Type
| bool: Bool → Expr
bool : Bool: Type
Bool → Expr: Type
| and: Expr → Expr → Expr
and : Expr: Type
Expr → Expr: Type
Expr → Expr: Type
We define a simple language of types using the inductive datatype Ty
, and
its typing rules using the inductive predicate HasType
inductive Ty: Type
Ty where
| nat: Ty
| bool: Ty
deriving DecidableEq: Sort u → Sort (max 1 u)
inductive HasType: Expr → Ty → Prop
HasType : Expr: Type
Expr → Ty: Type
Ty → Prop: Type
| nat: ∀ {v : Nat}, HasType (Expr.nat v) Ty.nat
nat : HasType: Expr → Ty → Prop
HasType (.nat: Nat → Expr
.nat v: Nat
v) .nat: Ty
| plus: ∀ {a b : Expr}, HasType a Ty.nat → HasType b Ty.nat → HasType (a.plus b) Ty.nat
plus : HasType: Expr → Ty → Prop
HasType a: Expr
a .nat: Ty
.nat → HasType: Expr → Ty → Prop
HasType b: Expr
b .nat: Ty
.nat → HasType: Expr → Ty → Prop
HasType (.plus: Expr → Expr → Expr
.plus a: Expr
a b: Expr
b) .nat: Ty
| bool: ∀ {v : Bool}, HasType (Expr.bool v) Ty.bool
bool : HasType: Expr → Ty → Prop
HasType (.bool: Bool → Expr
.bool v: Bool
v) .bool: Ty
| and: ∀ {a b : Expr}, HasType a Ty.bool → HasType b Ty.bool → HasType (a.and b) Ty.bool
and : HasType: Expr → Ty → Prop
HasType a: Expr
a .bool: Ty
.bool → HasType: Expr → Ty → Prop
HasType b: Expr
b .bool: Ty
.bool → HasType: Expr → Ty → Prop
HasType (.and: Expr → Expr → Expr
.and a: Expr
a b: Expr
b) .bool: Ty
We can easily show that if e
has type t₁
and type t₂
, then t₁
and t₂
must be equal
by using the cases
tactic. This tactic creates a new subgoal for every constructor,
and automatically discharges unreachable cases. The tactic combinator tac₁ <;> tac₂
to each subgoal produced by tac₁
. Then, the tactic rfl
is used to close all produced
goals using reflexivity.
Goals accomplished! 🐙t₂: Ty
v✝: Nat
h₂: HasType (Expr.nat v✝) t₂
natTy.nat = t₂t₂: Ty
a✝², b✝: Expr
a✝¹: HasType a✝² Ty.nat
a✝: HasType b✝ Ty.nat
h₂: HasType (a✝².plus b✝) t₂Ty.nat = t₂t₂: Ty
v✝: Bool
h₂: HasType (Expr.bool v✝) t₂Ty.bool = t₂t₂: Ty
a✝², b✝: Expr
a✝¹: HasType a✝² Ty.bool
a✝: HasType b✝ Ty.bool
h₂: HasType (a✝².and b✝) t₂Ty.bool = t₂t₂: Ty
v✝: Nat
h₂: HasType (Expr.nat v✝) t₂
natTy.nat = t₂t₂: Ty
a✝², b✝: Expr
a✝¹: HasType a✝² Ty.nat
a✝: HasType b✝ Ty.nat
h₂: HasType (a✝².plus b✝) t₂Ty.nat = t₂t₂: Ty
v✝: Bool
h₂: HasType (Expr.bool v✝) t₂Ty.bool = t₂t₂: Ty
a✝², b✝: Expr
a✝¹: HasType a✝² Ty.bool
a✝: HasType b✝ Ty.bool
h₂: HasType (a✝².and b✝) t₂Ty.bool = t₂a✝⁴, b✝: Expr
a✝³: HasType a✝⁴ Ty.nat
a✝²: HasType b✝ Ty.nat
a✝¹: HasType a✝⁴ Ty.nat
a✝: HasType b✝ Ty.nat
plus.plusTy.nat = Ty.natv✝: Nat
nat.natTy.nat = Ty.nata✝⁴, b✝: Expr
a✝³: HasType a✝⁴ Ty.nat
a✝²: HasType b✝ Ty.nat
a✝¹: HasType a✝⁴ Ty.nat
a✝: HasType b✝ Ty.natTy.nat = Ty.natv✝: BoolTy.bool = Ty.boola✝⁴, b✝: Expr
a✝³: HasType a✝⁴ Ty.bool
a✝²: HasType b✝ Ty.bool
a✝¹: HasType a✝⁴ Ty.bool
a✝: HasType b✝ Ty.boolTy.bool = Ty.boolGoals accomplished! 🐙
The inductive type Maybe p
has two constructors: found a h
and unknown
The former contains an element a : α
and a proof that a
satisfies the predicate p
The constructor unknown
is used to encode "failure".
inductive Maybe: {α : Sort u_1} → (α → Prop) → Sort (max 1 u_1)
Maybe (p: α → Prop
p : α: Sort u_1
α → Prop: Type
Prop) where
| found: {α : Sort u_1} → {p : α → Prop} → (a : α) → p a → Maybe p
found : (a: α
a : α: Sort u_1
α) → p: α → Prop
p a: α
a → Maybe: {α : Sort u_1} → (α → Prop) → Sort (max 1 u_1)
Maybe p: α → Prop
| unknown: {α : Sort u_1} → {p : α → Prop} → Maybe p
We define a notation for Maybe
that is similar to the builtin notation for the Lean builtin type Subtype
notation "{{ " x: Lean.TSyntax `term
x " | " p: Lean.TSyntax `term
p " }}" => Maybe: {α : Sort u_1} → (α → Prop) → Sort (max 1 u_1)
Maybe (fun x: Lean.TSyntax `term
x => p: Lean.TSyntax `term
The function Expr.typeCheck e
returns a type ty
and a proof that e
has type ty
or unknown
Recall that, def Expr.typeCheck ...
in Lean is notation for namespace Expr def typeCheck ... end Expr
The term .found .nat .nat
is sugar for Maybe.found Ty.nat HasType.nat
. Lean can infer the namespaces using
the expected types.
defExpr.typeCheck (Expr.typeCheck: (e : Expr) → {{ ty | HasType e ty }}e :e: ExprExpr) : {{Expr: Typety |ty: TyHasTypeHasType: Expr → Ty → Propee: Exprty }} := matchty: Tye with |e: Exprnat .. =>nat: Nat → Expr.found.found: {α : Type} → {p : α → Prop} → (a : α) → p a → Maybe p.nat.nat: Ty.nat |.nat: ∀ {v : Nat}, HasType (nat v) Ty.natbool .. =>bool: Bool → Expr.found.found: {α : Type} → {p : α → Prop} → (a : α) → p a → Maybe p.bool.bool: Ty.bool |.bool: ∀ {v : Bool}, HasType (bool v) Ty.boolplusplus: Expr → Expr → Expraa: Exprb => matchb: Expra.a: ExprtypeCheck,typeCheck: (e : Expr) → {{ ty | HasType e ty }}b.b: ExprtypeCheck with |typeCheck: (e : Expr) → {{ ty | HasType e ty }}.found.found: {α : Type} → {p : α → Prop} → (a : α) → p a → Maybe p.nat.nat: Tyh₁,h₁: HasType a Ty.nat.found.found: {α : Type} → {p : α → Prop} → (a : α) → p a → Maybe p.nat.nat: Tyh₂ =>h₂: HasType b Ty.nat.found.found: {α : Type} → {p : α → Prop} → (a : α) → p a → Maybe p.nat (.nat: Ty.plus.plus: ∀ {a b : Expr}, HasType a Ty.nat → HasType b Ty.nat → HasType (a.plus b) Ty.nath₁h₁: HasType a Ty.nath₂) | _, _ =>h₂: HasType b Ty.nat.unknown |.unknown: {α : Type} → {p : α → Prop} → Maybe pandand: Expr → Expr → Expraa: Exprb => matchb: Expra.a: ExprtypeCheck,typeCheck: (e : Expr) → {{ ty | HasType e ty }}b.b: ExprtypeCheck with |typeCheck: (e : Expr) → {{ ty | HasType e ty }}.found.found: {α : Type} → {p : α → Prop} → (a : α) → p a → Maybe p.bool.bool: Tyh₁,h₁: HasType a Ty.bool.found.found: {α : Type} → {p : α → Prop} → (a : α) → p a → Maybe p.bool.bool: Tyh₂ =>h₂: HasType b Ty.bool.found.found: {α : Type} → {p : α → Prop} → (a : α) → p a → Maybe p.bool (.bool: Ty.and.and: ∀ {a b : Expr}, HasType a Ty.bool → HasType b Ty.bool → HasType (a.and b) Ty.boolh₁h₁: HasType a Ty.boolh₂) | _, _ =>h₂: HasType b Ty.bool.unknown.unknown: {α : Type} → {p : α → Prop} → Maybe pGoals accomplished! 🐙e: Expr
ty: Ty
h, h₁: HasType e tye.typeCheck ≠ Maybe.unknown → e.typeCheck = Maybe.found ty he: Expr
ty: Ty
h, h₁: HasType e ty
x✝: {{ ty | HasType e ty }}x✝ ≠ Maybe.unknown → x✝ = Maybe.found ty hGoals accomplished! 🐙;e: Expr
ty: Ty
h, h₁: HasType e ty
ty': Ty
h': HasType e ty'
h₂✝: Maybe.found ty' h' ≠ Maybe.unknown
foundMaybe.found ty' h' = Maybe.found ty h;e: Expr
ty: Ty
h, h₁: HasType e ty
ty': Ty
h': HasType e ty'
h₂✝: Maybe.found ty' h' ≠ Maybe.unknown
this: ty = ty'
foundMaybe.found ty' h' = Maybe.found ty h;e: Expr
ty: Ty
h, h₁, h': HasType e ty
h₂✝: Maybe.found ty h' ≠ Maybe.unknown
foundMaybe.found ty h' = Maybe.found ty hGoals accomplished! 🐙Goals accomplished! 🐙;e: Expr
ty: Ty
h, h₁: HasType e ty
h₂✝: Maybe.unknown ≠ Maybe.unknown
unknownMaybe.unknown = Maybe.found ty hGoals accomplished! 🐙
Now, we prove that if Expr.typeCheck e
returns Maybe.unknown
, then forall ty
, HasType e ty
does not hold.
The notation e.typeCheck
is sugar for Expr.typeCheck e
. Lean can infer this because we explicitly said that e
has type Expr
The proof is by induction on e
and case analysis. Note that the tactic simp [typeCheck]
is applied to all goal generated by the induction
tactic, and closes
the cases corresponding to the constructors Expr.nat
and Expr.bool
Goals accomplished! 🐙ty: Ty
e: Expre.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType e tyty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
plus(match a.typeCheck, b.typeCheck with | Maybe.found Ty.nat h₁, Maybe.found Ty.nat h₂ => Maybe.found Ty.nat ⋯ | x, x_1 => Maybe.unknown) = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType (a.plus b) tyGoals accomplished! 🐙ty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
x✝¹: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
x✝: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
h₁✝: HasType a Ty.nat
h₂✝: HasType b Ty.nat
heq✝¹: a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₁✝
heq✝: b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₂✝
plus.h_1Maybe.found Ty.nat ⋯ = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType (a.plus b) tyty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
x✝²: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
x✝¹: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
x✝: ∀ (h₁ : HasType a Ty.nat) (h₂ : HasType b Ty.nat), a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₁ → b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₂ → FalseMaybe.unknown = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType (a.plus b) tyty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
x✝¹: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
x✝: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
h₁✝: HasType a Ty.nat
h₂✝: HasType b Ty.nat
heq✝¹: a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₁✝
heq✝: b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₂✝
plus.h_1Maybe.found Ty.nat ⋯ = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType (a.plus b) tyty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
x✝²: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
x✝¹: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
x✝: ∀ (h₁ : HasType a Ty.nat) (h₂ : HasType b Ty.nat), a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₁ → b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₂ → FalseMaybe.unknown = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType (a.plus b) ty;ty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
x✝¹: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
x✝: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
h₁✝: HasType a Ty.nat
h₂✝: HasType b Ty.nat
heq✝¹: a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₁✝
heq✝: b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₂✝
a✝: Maybe.found Ty.nat ⋯ = Maybe.unknown¬HasType (a.plus b) tyGoals accomplished! 🐙ty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
x✝²: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
x✝¹: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
x✝: ∀ (h₁ : HasType a Ty.nat) (h₂ : HasType b Ty.nat), a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₁ → b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₂ → False
plus.h_2Maybe.unknown = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType (a.plus b) tyty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
ra: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
rb: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
hnp: ∀ (h₁ : HasType a Ty.nat) (h₂ : HasType b Ty.nat), a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₁ → b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₂ → False
h: Maybe.unknown = Maybe.unknown
ht: HasType (a.plus b) tyFalsety: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
ra: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
rb: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
hnp: ∀ (h₁ : HasType a Ty.nat) (h₂ : HasType b Ty.nat), a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₁ → b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.nat h₂ → False
h: Maybe.unknown = Maybe.unknown
ht: HasType (a.plus b) tyFalseGoals accomplished! 🐙Goals accomplished! 🐙Goals accomplished! 🐙ty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
x✝¹: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
x✝: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
h₁✝: HasType a Ty.bool
h₂✝: HasType b Ty.bool
heq✝¹: a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₁✝
heq✝: b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₂✝
and.h_1Maybe.found Ty.bool ⋯ = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType (a.and b) tyty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
x✝²: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
x✝¹: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
x✝: ∀ (h₁ : HasType a Ty.bool) (h₂ : HasType b Ty.bool), a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₁ → b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₂ → FalseMaybe.unknown = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType (a.and b) tyty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
x✝¹: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
x✝: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
h₁✝: HasType a Ty.bool
h₂✝: HasType b Ty.bool
heq✝¹: a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₁✝
heq✝: b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₂✝
and.h_1Maybe.found Ty.bool ⋯ = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType (a.and b) tyty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
x✝²: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
x✝¹: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
x✝: ∀ (h₁ : HasType a Ty.bool) (h₂ : HasType b Ty.bool), a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₁ → b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₂ → FalseMaybe.unknown = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType (a.and b) ty;ty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
x✝¹: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
x✝: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
h₁✝: HasType a Ty.bool
h₂✝: HasType b Ty.bool
heq✝¹: a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₁✝
heq✝: b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₂✝
a✝: Maybe.found Ty.bool ⋯ = Maybe.unknown¬HasType (a.and b) tyGoals accomplished! 🐙ty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
x✝²: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
x✝¹: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
x✝: ∀ (h₁ : HasType a Ty.bool) (h₂ : HasType b Ty.bool), a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₁ → b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₂ → False
and.h_2Maybe.unknown = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType (a.and b) tyty: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
ra: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
rb: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
hnp: ∀ (h₁ : HasType a Ty.bool) (h₂ : HasType b Ty.bool), a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₁ → b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₂ → False
h: Maybe.unknown = Maybe.unknown
ht: HasType (a.and b) tyFalsety: Ty
a, b: Expr
iha: a.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType a ty
ihb: b.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType b ty
ra: {{ ty | HasType a ty }}
rb: {{ ty | HasType b ty }}
hnp: ∀ (h₁ : HasType a Ty.bool) (h₂ : HasType b Ty.bool), a.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₁ → b.typeCheck = Maybe.found Ty.bool h₂ → False
h: Maybe.unknown = Maybe.unknown
ht: HasType (a.and b) tyFalseGoals accomplished! 🐙Goals accomplished! 🐙
Finally, we show that type checking for e
can be decided using Expr.typeCheck
instance: (e : Expr) → (t : Ty) → Decidable (HasType e t)
instance (e: Expr
e : Expr: Type
Expr) (t: Ty
t : Ty: Type
Ty) : Decidable: Prop → Type
Decidable (HasType: Expr → Ty → Prop
HasType e: Expr
e t: Ty
t) :=
match h': e.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown
h' : e: Expr
e.typeCheck: (e : Expr) → {{ ty | HasType e ty }}
typeCheck with
| .found: {α : Type} → {p : α → Prop} → (a : α) → p a → Maybe p
.found t': Ty
t' ht': HasType e t'
ht' =>
if heq: ¬t = t'
heq : t: Ty
t = t': Ty
t' then
isTrue: {p : Prop} → p → Decidable p
isTrue (heq: t = t'
heq ▸ ht': HasType e t'
isFalse: {p : Prop} → ¬p → Decidable p
isFalse fun ht: HasType e t
ht => heq: ¬t = t'
heq (HasType.det: ∀ {e : Expr} {t₁ t₂ : Ty}, HasType e t₁ → HasType e t₂ → t₁ = t₂
HasType.det ht: HasType e t
ht ht': HasType e t'
| .unknown: {{ ty | HasType e ty }}
.unknown => isFalse: {p : Prop} → ¬p → Decidable p
isFalse (Expr.typeCheck_complete: ∀ {ty : Ty} {e : Expr}, e.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown → ¬HasType e ty
Expr.typeCheck_complete h': e.typeCheck = Maybe.unknown