All definitions are fundamentally equations: the new constant being defined is equal to the right-hand side of the definition.
For functions defined by structural recursion, this equation holds definitionally, and there is a unique value returned by application of the function.
For functions defined by well-founded recursion, the equation may hold only propositionally, but all type-correct applications of the function to arguments are equal to the respective values prescribed by the definition.
In both cases, the fact that the function terminates for all inputs means that the value computed by applying the function is always uniquely determined.
In some cases where a function does not terminate for all arguments, the equation may not uniquely determine the function's return value for each input, but there are nonetheless functions for which the defining equation holds.
In these cases, a definition as a partial fixpoint may still be possible.
Any function that satisfies the defining equation can be used to demonstrate that the equation does not create a logical contradiction, and the equation can then be proven as a theorem about this function.
As with the other strategies for defining recursive functions, compiled code uses the function as it was originally written; like definitions in terms of eliminators or recursion over accessibility proofs, the function used to define the partial fixpoint is used only to justify the function's equations in Lean's logic for purposes of mathematical reasoning.
The term partial fixpoint is specific to Lean.
Functions declared Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial do not require termination proofs, so long as the type of their return values is inhabited, but they are completely opaque from the perspective of Lean's logic.
Partial fixpoints, on the other hand, can be rewritten using their defining equations while writing proofs.
Logically speaking, partial fixpoints are total functions that don't reduce definitionally when applied, but for which equational rewrite rule are provided.
They are partial in the sense that the defining equation does not necessarily specify a value for all possible arguments.
While partial fixpoints do allow functions to be defined that cannot be expressed using structural or well-founded recursion, the technique is also useful in other cases.
Even in cases where the defining equation fully describes the function's behavior and a termination proof using well-founded recursion would be possible, it may simply be more convenient to define the function as a partial fixpoint to avoid a having to write a termination proof.
Defining recursive functions as partial fixpoints only occurs when explicitly requested by annotating the definition with Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial_fixpoint.
There are two classes of functions that can be defined as partial fixpoints:
Tail-recursive functions whose return type is inhabited type
Functions that return values in a suitable monad, such as the Option monad
Both classes are backed by the same theory and construction: least fixpoints of monotone equations in chain-complete partial orders.
Just as with structural and well-founded recursion, Lean allows mutually recursive functions to be defined as partial fixpoints.
To use this feature, every function definition in a mutual block must be annotated with the Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial_fixpoint modifier.
Definition by Partial Fixpoint
The following function finds the least natural number for which the predicate p holds.
If p never holds, then this equation does not specify the behavior: the function find could return 42 or any other Nat in that case and still satisfy the equation.
All recursive calls are in tail position of the function.
An expression is in tail position in the function body if it is:
the function body itself,
the branches of a Lean.Parser.Term.match : termPattern matching. `match e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...` matches each given
term `e` against each pattern `p` of a match alternative. When all patterns
of an alternative match, the `match` term evaluates to the value of the
corresponding right-hand side `f` with the pattern variables bound to the
respective matched values.
If used as `match h : e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...`, `h : e = p` is available
within `f`.
When not constructing a proof, `match` does not automatically substitute variables
matched on in dependent variables' types. Use `match (generalizing := true) ...` to
enforce this.
Syntax quotations can also be used in a pattern match.
This matches a `Syntax` value against quotations, pattern variables, or `_`.
Quoted identifiers only match identical identifiers - custom matching such as by the preresolved
names only should be done explicitly.
`Syntax.atom`s are ignored during matching by default except when part of a built-in literal.
For users introducing new atoms, we recommend wrapping them in dedicated syntax kinds if they
should participate in matching.
For example, in
syntax "c" ("foo" <|> "bar") ...
`foo` and `bar` are indistinguishable during matching, but in
syntax foo := "foo"
syntax "c" (foo <|> "bar") ...
they are not.
match expression that is in tail position,
the branches of an termIfThenElse : term`if c then t else e` is notation for `ite c t e`, "if-then-else", which decides to
return `t` or `e` depending on whether `c` is true or false. The explicit argument
`c : Prop` does not have any actual computational content, but there is an additional
`[Decidable c]` argument synthesized by typeclass inference which actually
determines how to evaluate `c` to true or false. Write `if h : c then t else e`
instead for a "dependent if-then-else" `dite`, which allows `t`/`e` to use the fact
that `c` is true/false.
if expression that is in tail position, and
the body of a Lean.Parser.Term.let : term`let` is used to declare a local definition. Example:
let x := 1
let y := x + 1
x + y
Since functions are first class citizens in Lean, you can use `let` to declare
local functions too.
let double := fun x => 2*x
double (double 3)
For recursive definitions, you should use `let rec`.
You can also perform pattern matching using `let`. For example,
assume `p` has type `Nat × Nat`, then you can write
let (x, y) := p
x + y
let expression that is in tail position.
In particular, the discriminant of a Lean.Parser.Term.match : termPattern matching. `match e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...` matches each given
term `e` against each pattern `p` of a match alternative. When all patterns
of an alternative match, the `match` term evaluates to the value of the
corresponding right-hand side `f` with the pattern variables bound to the
respective matched values.
If used as `match h : e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...`, `h : e = p` is available
within `f`.
When not constructing a proof, `match` does not automatically substitute variables
matched on in dependent variables' types. Use `match (generalizing := true) ...` to
enforce this.
Syntax quotations can also be used in a pattern match.
This matches a `Syntax` value against quotations, pattern variables, or `_`.
Quoted identifiers only match identical identifiers - custom matching such as by the preresolved
names only should be done explicitly.
`Syntax.atom`s are ignored during matching by default except when part of a built-in literal.
For users introducing new atoms, we recommend wrapping them in dedicated syntax kinds if they
should participate in matching.
For example, in
syntax "c" ("foo" <|> "bar") ...
`foo` and `bar` are indistinguishable during matching, but in
syntax foo := "foo"
syntax "c" (foo <|> "bar") ...
they are not.
match expression, the condition of an termIfThenElse : term`if c then t else e` is notation for `ite c t e`, "if-then-else", which decides to
return `t` or `e` depending on whether `c` is true or false. The explicit argument
`c : Prop` does not have any actual computational content, but there is an additional
`[Decidable c]` argument synthesized by typeclass inference which actually
determines how to evaluate `c` to true or false. Write `if h : c then t else e`
instead for a "dependent if-then-else" `dite`, which allows `t`/`e` to use the fact
that `c` is true/false.
if expression and the arguments of functions are not tail positions.
Loops are Tail Recursive Functions
Because the function body itself is a tail position, the infinitely looping function loop is tail recursive.
It can be defined as a partial fixpoint.
defloop(x:Nat):Nat:=loop(x+1)partial_fixpointTail Recursion with Branching
Array.find could also be constructed using well-founded recursion with a termination proof, but may be more convenient to define using Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial_fixpoint, where no termination proof is needed.
If the result of the recursive call is not just returned, but passed to another function, it is not in tail position and this definition fails.
defList.findIndex(xs:Listα)(p:α→Bool):Int:=matchxswith|[]=>-1|x::ys=>ifpxthen0elsehaver:=Could not prove 'List.findIndex' to be monotone in its recursive calls:
Cannot eliminate recursive call `List.findIndex ys p` enclosed in
let_fun r := ys✝.findIndex p;
if r = -1 then -1 else r + 1
The error message on the recursive call is:
Could not prove 'List.findIndex' to be monotone in its recursive calls:
Cannot eliminate recursive call `List.findIndex ys p` enclosed in
let_fun r := ys✝.findIndex p;
if r = -1 then -1 else r + 1
Defining a function as a partial fixpoint is more powerful if the function's return type is a monad that is an instance of Lean.Order.MonoBind, such as Option.
In this case, recursive call are not restricted to tail-positions, but may also occur inside higher-order monadic functions such as bind and List.mapM.
The set of higher-order functions for which this works is extensible (see TODO below), so no exhaustive list is given here.
The aspiration is that a monadic recursive function definition that is built using abstract monadic operations like bind, but that does not open the abstraction of the monad (e.g. by matching on the Option value), is accepted.
In particular, using : termdo-notation should work.
Monadic functions
The following function implements the Ackermann function in the Option monad, and is accepted without an (explicit or implicit) termination proof:
Recursive calls may also occur within higher-order functions such as List.mapM, if they are set up appropriately, and : termdo-notation:
Pattern matching on the result of the recursive call will prevent the definition by partial fixpoint from going through:
defList.findIndex(xs:Listα)(p:α→Bool):OptionNat:=matchxswith|[]=>none|x::ys=>ifpxthensome0elsematchCould not prove 'List.findIndex' to be monotone in its recursive calls:
Cannot eliminate recursive call `List.findIndex ys p` enclosed in
match ys✝.findIndex p with
| none => none
| some r => some (r + 1)
Could not prove 'List.findIndex' to be monotone in its recursive calls:
Cannot eliminate recursive call `List.findIndex ys p` enclosed in
match ys✝.findIndex p with
| none => none
| some r => some (r + 1)
In this particular case, using instead of explicit pattern matching helps:
For every function defined as a partial fixpoint, Lean proves that the defining equation is satisfied.
This enables proofs by rewriting.
However, these equational theorems are not sufficient for reasoning about the behavior of the function on arguments for which the function specification does not terminate.
Code paths that lead to infinite recursion at runtime would end up as infinite chains of rewrites in a potential proof.
Partial fixpoints in suitable monads, on the other hand, provide additional theorems that map the undefined values from non-termination to suitable values in the monad.
In the Option monad, then partial fixpoint equals Option.none on all function inputs for which the defining equation specifies non-termination.
From this fact, Lean proves a partial correctness theorem for the function which allows facts to be concluded when the function's result is Option.some.
Here, the motive is a relation between the parameter and return types of List.findIndex, with the Option removed from the return type.
If, when given an arbitrary partial function with a signature that's compatible with List.findIndex, the following hold:
the motive is satisfied for all inputs for which the arbitrary function returns a value (rather than none),
taking one rewriting step with the defining equation, in which the recursive calls are replaced by the arbitrary function, also implies the satisfaction of the motive
then the motive is satsified for all inputs for which the List.findIndex returns some.
The partial correctness theorem is a reasoning principle.
It can be used to prove that the resulting number is a valid index in the list and that the predicate holds for that index:
Lean supports the definition of mutually recursive functions using partial fixpoint.
Mutual recursion may be introduced using a mutual block, but it also results from Lean.Parser.Term.letrec : termlet rec expressions and Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandwhere blocks.
The rules for mutual well-founded recursion are applied to a group of actually mutually recursive, lifted definitions, that results from the elaboration steps for mutual groups.
If all functions in the mutual group have the Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial_fixpoint clause, then this strategy is used.
The construction builds on a variant of the Knaster–Tarski theorem: In a chain-complete partial order, every monotone function has a least fixed point.
The necessary theory is found in the Lean.Order namespace.
This is not meant to be a general purpose library of order theoretic results.
Instead, the definitions and theorems in Lean.Order are only intended as implementation details of the Lean.Parser.Command.declaration : commandpartial_fixpoint feature, and they should be considered a private API that may change without notice.
The notion of a partial order, and that of a chain-complete partial order, are represented by the type classes Lean.Order.PartialOrder and Lean.Order.CCPO, respectively.
The least fixpoint of a monotone function is the least upper bound of its transfinite iteration.
The monotonef assumption is not strictly necessarily for the definition, but without this the
definition is not very meaningful and it simplifies applying theorems like fix_eq if every use of
fix already has the monotonicty requirement.
This is intended to be used in the construction of partial_fixpoint, and not meant to be used otherwise.
The main fixpoint theorem for fixedpoints of monotone functions in chain-complete partial orders.
This is intended to be used in the construction of partial_fixpoint, and not meant to be used otherwise.
To construct the partial fixpoint, Lean first synthesizes a suitable CCPO instance.
If the function's result type has a dedicated instance, like Option has with instCCPOOption, this is used together with the instance for the function type, instCCPOPi, to construct an instance for the whole function's type.
Otherwise, if the function's type can be shown to be inhabited by a witness w, then the instance FlatOrder.instCCPO for the wrapper type FlatOrderw is used. In this order, w is a least element and all other elements are incomparable.
Next, the recursive calls in the right-hand side of the function definitions are abstracted; this turns into the argument f of fix. The monotonicity requirement is solved by the monotonicity tactic, which applies compositional monotonicity lemmas in a syntax-driven way.
The tactic solves goals of the form monotone(funx=>…x…) using the following steps:
Applying monotone_const when there is no dependency on x left.
Splitting on Lean.Parser.Term.match : termPattern matching. `match e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...` matches each given
term `e` against each pattern `p` of a match alternative. When all patterns
of an alternative match, the `match` term evaluates to the value of the
corresponding right-hand side `f` with the pattern variables bound to the
respective matched values.
If used as `match h : e, ... with | p, ... => f | ...`, `h : e = p` is available
within `f`.
When not constructing a proof, `match` does not automatically substitute variables
matched on in dependent variables' types. Use `match (generalizing := true) ...` to
enforce this.
Syntax quotations can also be used in a pattern match.
This matches a `Syntax` value against quotations, pattern variables, or `_`.
Quoted identifiers only match identical identifiers - custom matching such as by the preresolved
names only should be done explicitly.
`Syntax.atom`s are ignored during matching by default except when part of a built-in literal.
For users introducing new atoms, we recommend wrapping them in dedicated syntax kinds if they
should participate in matching.
For example, in
syntax "c" ("foo" <|> "bar") ...
`foo` and `bar` are indistinguishable during matching, but in
syntax foo := "foo"
syntax "c" (foo <|> "bar") ...
they are not.
match expressions.
Splitting on termIfThenElse : term`if c then t else e` is notation for `ite c t e`, "if-then-else", which decides to
return `t` or `e` depending on whether `c` is true or false. The explicit argument
`c : Prop` does not have any actual computational content, but there is an additional
`[Decidable c]` argument synthesized by typeclass inference which actually
determines how to evaluate `c` to true or false. Write `if h : c then t else e`
instead for a "dependent if-then-else" `dite`, which allows `t`/`e` to use the fact
that `c` is true/false.
if expressions.
Moving Lean.Parser.Term.let : term`let` is used to declare a local definition. Example:
let x := 1
let y := x + 1
x + y
Since functions are first class citizens in Lean, you can use `let` to declare
local functions too.
let double := fun x => 2*x
double (double 3)
For recursive definitions, you should use `let rec`.
You can also perform pattern matching using `let`. For example,
assume `p` has type `Nat × Nat`, then you can write
let (x, y) := p
x + y
let expression to the context, if the value and type do not depend on x.
Zeta-reducing a Lean.Parser.Term.let : term`let` is used to declare a local definition. Example:
let x := 1
let y := x + 1
x + y
Since functions are first class citizens in Lean, you can use `let` to declare
local functions too.
let double := fun x => 2*x
double (double 3)
For recursive definitions, you should use `let rec`.
You can also perform pattern matching using `let`. For example,
assume `p` has type `Nat × Nat`, then you can write
let (x, y) := p
x + y
let expression when value and type do depend on x.
Applying lemmas annotated with partial_fixpoint_monotone
The following monotonicity lemmas are registered, and should allow recursive calls under the given higher-order functions in the arguments indicated by · (but not the other arguments, shown as _).