The Lean Language Reference

13.3. Quantifiers

Just as implication is implemented as ordinary function types in Prop, universal quantification is implemented as dependent function types in Prop. Because Prop is impredicative, any function type in which the codomain is a Prop is itself a Prop, even if the domain is a Type. The typing rules for dependent functions precisely match the introduction and elimination rules for universal quantification: if a predicate holds for any arbitrarily chosen element of a type, then it holds universally. If a predicate holds universally, then it can be instantiated to a proof for any individual.

syntaxUniversal Quantification
term ::= ...
    |  ident ident* (: term)?, term
term ::= ...
    | forall ident ident* (: term)?, term
term ::= ...
    |  (ident | A *hole* (or *placeholder term*), which stands for an unknown term that is expected to be inferred based on context.
For example, in `@id _`, the `_` must be the type of ``, which is `Nat`.

The way this works is that holes create fresh metavariables.
The elaborator is allowed to assign terms to metavariables while it is checking definitional equalities.
This is often known as *unification*.

Normally, all holes must be solved for. However, there are a few contexts where this is not necessary:
* In `match` patterns, holes are catch-all patterns.
* In some tactics, such as `refine'` and `apply`, unsolved-for placeholders become new goals.

Related concept: implicit parameters are automatically filled in with holes during the elaboration process.

See also `?m` syntax (synthetic holes).
hole | bracketedBinder) ((ident | A *hole* (or *placeholder term*), which stands for an unknown term that is expected to be inferred based on context.
For example, in `@id _`, the `_` must be the type of ``, which is `Nat`.

The way this works is that holes create fresh metavariables.
The elaborator is allowed to assign terms to metavariables while it is checking definitional equalities.
This is often known as *unification*.

Normally, all holes must be solved for. However, there are a few contexts where this is not necessary:
* In `match` patterns, holes are catch-all patterns.
* In some tactics, such as `refine'` and `apply`, unsolved-for placeholders become new goals.

Related concept: implicit parameters are automatically filled in with holes during the elaboration process.

See also `?m` syntax (synthetic holes).
hole | bracketedBinder))*, term
term ::= ...
    | forall (ident | A *hole* (or *placeholder term*), which stands for an unknown term that is expected to be inferred based on context.
For example, in `@id _`, the `_` must be the type of ``, which is `Nat`.

The way this works is that holes create fresh metavariables.
The elaborator is allowed to assign terms to metavariables while it is checking definitional equalities.
This is often known as *unification*.

Normally, all holes must be solved for. However, there are a few contexts where this is not necessary:
* In `match` patterns, holes are catch-all patterns.
* In some tactics, such as `refine'` and `apply`, unsolved-for placeholders become new goals.

Related concept: implicit parameters are automatically filled in with holes during the elaboration process.

See also `?m` syntax (synthetic holes).
hole | bracketedBinder) ((ident | A *hole* (or *placeholder term*), which stands for an unknown term that is expected to be inferred based on context.
For example, in `@id _`, the `_` must be the type of ``, which is `Nat`.

The way this works is that holes create fresh metavariables.
The elaborator is allowed to assign terms to metavariables while it is checking definitional equalities.
This is often known as *unification*.

Normally, all holes must be solved for. However, there are a few contexts where this is not necessary:
* In `match` patterns, holes are catch-all patterns.
* In some tactics, such as `refine'` and `apply`, unsolved-for placeholders become new goals.

Related concept: implicit parameters are automatically filled in with holes during the elaboration process.

See also `?m` syntax (synthetic holes).
hole | bracketedBinder))*, term

Universal quantifiers bind one or more variables, which are then in scope in the final term. The identifiers may also be _. With parenthesized type annotations, multiple bound variables may have different types, while the unparenthesized variant requires that all have the same type.

Even though universal quantifiers are represented by functions, their proofs should not be thought of as computations. Because of proof irrelevance and the elimination restriction for propositions, there's no way to actually compute data using these proofs. As a result, they are free to use reasoning principles that are not readily computed, such as the classical Axiom of Choice.

Existential quantification is implemented as a structure that is similar to Subtype and Sigma: it contains a witness, which is a value that satisfies the predicate, along with a proof that the witness does in fact satisfy the predicate. In other words, it is a form of dependent pair type. Unlike both Subtype and Sigma, it is a proposition; this means that programs cannot in general use a proof of an existential statement to obtain a value that satisfies the predicate.

When writing a proof, the exists tactic allows one (or more) witness(es) to be specified for a (potentially nested) existential statement. The constructor tactic, on the other hand, creates a metavariable for the witness; providing a proof of the predicate may solve the metavariable as well. The components of an existential assumption can be made available individually by pattern matching with let or match, as well as by using cases or rcases.

Proving Existential Statements

When proving that there exists some natural number that is the sum of four and five, the exists tactic expects the sum to be provided, constructing the equality proof using trivial:

theorem ex_four_plus_five : n, 4 + 5 = n := n, 4 + 5 = n All goals completed! 🐙

The constructor tactic, on the other hand, expects a proof. The rfl tactic causes the sum to be determined as a side effect of checking definitional equality.

theorem ex_four_plus_five' : n, 4 + 5 = n := n, 4 + 5 = n 4 + 5 = 4 + 5Nat All goals completed! 🐙
🔗inductive predicate
Exists.{u} {α : Sort u} (p : αProp) : Prop

Existential quantification. If p : α Prop is a predicate, then x : α, p x asserts that there is some x of type α such that p x holds. To create an existential proof, use the exists tactic, or the anonymous constructor notation x, h. To unpack an existential, use cases h where h is a proof of x : α, p x, or let x, hx := h where `.

Because Lean has proof irrelevance, any two proofs of an existential are definitionally equal. One consequence of this is that it is impossible to recover the witness of an existential from the mere fact of its existence. For example, the following does not compile:

example (h : ∃ x : Nat, x = x) : Nat :=
  let ⟨x, _⟩ := h  -- fail, because the goal is `Nat : Type`

The error message recursor 'Exists.casesOn' can only eliminate into Prop means that this only works when the current goal is another proposition:

example (h : x : Nat, x = x) : True := let x, _ := h -- ok, because the goal is `True : Prop` trivial


intro.{u} {α : Sort u} {p : αProp} (w : α) (h : p w) :
  Exists p

Existential introduction. If a : α and h : p a, then a, h is a proof that x : α, p x.

syntaxExistential Quantification
term ::= ...
    |  `binderIdent` matches an `ident` or a `_`. It is used for identifiers in binding
position, where `_` means that the value should be left unnamed and inaccessible.
ident `binderIdent` matches an `ident` or a `_`. It is used for identifiers in binding
position, where `_` means that the value should be left unnamed and inaccessible.
ident* (: term)?, term
term ::= ...
    | exists `binderIdent` matches an `ident` or a `_`. It is used for identifiers in binding
position, where `_` means that the value should be left unnamed and inaccessible.
ident `binderIdent` matches an `ident` or a `_`. It is used for identifiers in binding
position, where `_` means that the value should be left unnamed and inaccessible.
ident* (: term)?, term
term ::= ...
    |  bracketedExplicitBinders bracketedExplicitBinders*, term
term ::= ...
    | exists bracketedExplicitBinders bracketedExplicitBinders*, term

Existential quantifiers bind one or more variables, which are then in scope in the final term. The identifiers may also be _. With parenthesized type annotations, multiple bound variables may have different types, while the unparenthesized variant requires that all have the same type. If more than one variable is bound, then the result is multiple instances of Exists, nested to the right.

Exists.choose.{u_1} {α : Sort u_1}
  {p : αProp} (P :  a, p a) : α

Extract an element from an existential statement, using Classical.choose.